The aim objective of Secured logging as a service using cloud computing project is to develop secured logging as a service in cloud architecture with relevant input data. So in the proposed method, privacy and preservation methods are enhanced. The secured logging that contains six major functionalities to ensure more security: Correctness, Confidentiality, data logs, Privacy, and Preservation. The correctness deals with correctness data of true history. Confidentiality deals with sensitive information not displaying during the search. Data logs deal with the data history for identifying appropriate users. The privacy scheme deals with file linking and data access history. Preservation deals with enhanced color code. And finally, VPS deals with the proxy server for virtual data access.
Data and authorization security are needed everywhere. In the case of dealing with a huge number of data in a cloud server, secured logging is a must. This is because cloud servers are easily accessible and anyone can access anywhere at any time. So data should be preserved well for intruders, hackers, and unauthorized users. In addition, as log data files often contain sensitive information, confidentiality and privacy of log records are equally important.
The implementation of the Secured logging as a service using cloud computing can be shown in any environment, which deals with the huge number of data with multiple users. There is not much difference between hackers and intruders in cloud architecture. Hackers are from other networks meanwhile intruders are from the same networks. Hackers can be avoided and intruders can’t be avoided. This is because intruders may know the network where they are going to intrude. So that secured logging as a service is much important for all kinds of cloud server environment to provide proper login for an authorized user and triggers out the unauthorized users.
The Uses, Hackers and Intruders list will be shown in the chart and graphical formats.
Secured Login, Cloud Computing, Network Security, Hacker, Intruder, privacy and preservation, Data security, colour code login, MCA projects, MSc Projects, CSE Projects, IT Projects.
Visual Studio – 2012 , ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Java Script.
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