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Distributed Secure erasure code using latent Protocols in VPS Cloud

 6,500.00  2,999.00

  • The aim of Distributed Secure erasure code using latent Protocols in VPS Cloud project is to develop Computational Private Information Retrieval protocols on cloud architecture using erasure code for secured data forwarding.
  • This project proposes a secured threshold proxy re-encryption server and integrates it with a decentralized erasure code such that a secure distributed storage system is formulated for processing big data.
  • The main technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption scheme supports encoding operations along with a key over encrypted messages, as well as forwarding operations over encoded and encrypted messages.
  • The content in the database will be in the decrypted format. So that even intruder cant able to access the big data even they access the database.
  • During data forwarding, a proxy server will be created virtually to access the encrypted data from the sender’s side.

                    FULLY TESTED


The aim of the Distributed Secure erasure code using latent Protocols in VPS Cloud project is erasure code.  And to develop Computational Private Information Retrieval protocols on cloud architecture using erasure code for secured data forwarding. These protocols are too costly in practice because they invoke complex arithmetic operations for every bit of the database.

Cloud storage architecture will have a collection of storage servers. With higher-end configuration which will provide long-term storage services over the Internet. And also for the cloud storage system. Here storing and retrieving the data in a third party’s cloud system and public auditing scheme causes serious problems and conflicts over data confidentiality during the data transactions.

While the third party big data storage will be involved with the cloud server this conflict will occur. Even thou there are various methods are available to overcome this problem like cryptography, key encryption, etc. But general encryption schemes protect data confidentiality during the transaction, but along with this process, the main drawback will, it limits the functionality of the storage system. This is because; a few operations only supported over encrypted data. These methods will cause failure. Similarly, to construct a secure storage system that supports multiple functions is challenging when the storage system is distributed and has no central authority.


This project proposes a secured threshold proxy re-encryption server and integrates it with a decentralized erasure code such that a secure distributed storage system is formulated for processing big data. Using a striping technique, we distribute the database to many cooperative peers and leverage their computational resources to process cPIR queries in parallel. In this method, multiple users can interact with the storage system. Users can upload their data into the distributed storage system.

The distributed storage system not only supports secure and robust data storage and retrieval but also lets a user forward his data in the storage servers to another user without retrieving the data back. This makes the ownership data unused and secured during the time of retrieval. The main technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption scheme supports encoding operations along with a key over encrypted messages, as well as forwarding operations over encoded and encrypted messages. The content in the database will be in the decrypted format. So that even intruder cant able to access the big data even they access the database.

The encrypted data will become unused even the data obtained by the intruder. This makes the system so stronger. This project deals with fully integrates encrypting, encoding, and forwarding. This application can be shown in both cloud servers as well as in the localhost as per the environment. The storage and robustness are more flexible with the users. So that the user will authorize the sender request to generate the key. Using the authorized one time key, the sender can access the encrypted file in the decrypted format at once.

The key will become invalid after one use. This is method is implemented for secured data forwarding. During data forwarding, a proxy server will be created virtually to access the encrypted data from the sender’s side. The original data from the cloud server will be transmitted to the proxy virtually. This makes less traffic and the original big data content will not get affected during the time of data transaction. After the transaction, the proxy server will be deleted along with the data. So that data will be safe always in the cloud storage servers.

 Improved methods in the proposed system

  • Secured erasure code
  • Proxy Re-encryption server
  • Fine-grained Access (Improved)
  • Data Validation
  • One time Data access
  • Time-Based protocol
  • Date based protocol


Virtual Proxy Server, Protocol, Erasure code, Encryption and Decryption, User authentication, Key Generation, Web application, MCA projects, MSc Projects, CSE Projects, IT Projects.


Visual Studio – 2012 , ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Java Script.

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ASP.NET – Front end, C# – Coding Language, DOT NET, DOT NET 2012, SQL Server 2010


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