How to Execute and Modify
How to Execute and modify project With Source Code includes Project Documentation
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Kindly use this VIDEO links for execution based doubts and modifications related contents. This link provides video demo for both execution and project modifications.
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Kindly use this VIDEO links for execution based doubts and modifications related contents. This link provides video demo for both execution and project modifications.
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Step 1: Go to Start and choose visual studio software
Step 2: Go to FILE, Open a Website, a choose the project folder you want to open
Step 3: Now the project files will be loaded in your framework. In the solution explorer choose the first form of your application. Shortcut for solution explorer is Ctrl + Alt + L
Step 4: Run the project by clicking F5.
Step 5: Now your web application is executed and opened in your default browser.
Step 1: Open the web application.
Step 2 Open the web page or the master page from the solution explorer in which you need to change the project topic
Step 3 : Open the design page (i.e.) page with .aspx extension.
Step 4: Click on the Project topic that is entered and go to the source page of your design page (i.e.) to the HTML tags created for the design page.
Step 5: Change the Topic you needed
Step 6: Do the same for the master page also, so that the web page created under master page will get reflected in the topic change.
Step 1: Open web application
Step 2: In the solution explorer right click on the project name choose Add Add new item
Step 3: In the opened window choose web form and change the name of the web form if needed and click on the Add Button.
Step 4: Your web form will be added to your project and you can view it in solution explorer. By clicking on it, it will get opened in your framework.
Step 1: Open the web application
Step 2: In the solution explorer right click on the project name choose Add -> Add new item
Step 3: In the opened window choose Master Page and change the name of the Master page if needed and click on the Add Button.
Step 4: Your master page will be added to the project and can be opened by clicking on it.
Step 1: Open the web application
Step 2: In the solution explorer right click on the project name choose Add ->Add new item
Step 3: In the opened window choose web form and change the name of the web form if needed and check the checkbox “select master page” above the Add button and then click on the Add Button.
Step 4: It will redirect to another window which shows list of master pages created in the project
Step 5: Choose the master page in which you need to add the web form. Finally, the web page is added to the master page.
Step 1: Open the web application
Step 2: Open your project database by double-clicking on it from App_Data which will open in the server explorer
Step 3: Inside the database, there are Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, etc. For creating table just right click on the Tables and choose Add New Table
Step 4: A new window will be opened in that we can add the field name and we can choose datatypes with their size. The query will be generated automatically in the down panel for creating a table with a user-defined field name and data type.
Step 5: For adding primary key just right click on the field name which you need to make as primary key and choose “set primary key”. The field is set as a primary key now with a key symbol shown on the left side of the field.
Step 6: For removing primary key do the same and click remove primary key.
Step 7: After giving all fields and their data types just change the name of the table in the down panel where the table name is set as [Table] (CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table]).
Step 8: After giving the table name just click on the update button found in the top of the field names.
Step 9: The table is now created and you can view the table in the database by refreshing the database.
Step 10: For adding a new field or removing an existing field or updating the existing field, do the action and click on update whenever you made a change in the table.
Step 1: Go to Start and choose visual studio software
Step 2: Go to File à Open à Website à choose the project folder you want to open
Step 3: Now the project files will be loaded in your framework. In the solution explorer choose the App_Data folder in which the database of your project is present. Shortcut for solution explorer is Ctrl + Alt + L
Step 4: By clicking on the database it will be opened in the server explorer. Inside the database just click the Tables smart tag where all the tables of the project will be shown.
Step 5: For viewing table fields just right click on the Tables and choose the Open Table Definition and view all the fields and data types.
Step 6: To view the table data >> Right on the table and choose show table data. All your table contents will be shown inside the table.
Step 1: Open the web application
Step 2: In the solution explorer (Ctrl + Alt + L) choose the web.Config file.
Step 3: Inside the web.config file you can view XML code with many tags.
Step 4: Inside that xml code there is a tag in which the database path is placed.
<add name=”connect” connectionString=”Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=aspnet-E gas booking-20190311103531;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\egas.mdf”providerName=”System.Data.SqlClient” />
Step 5: The database name is mentioned in AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\egas.mdf
in the connectionstring tag.
Step 6: The |DataDirectory| will make your application to access your database from any drive.
Step 7: Inside the C# file there is data () function in which the connection is called from the web configuration file.
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