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Hotel Food Ordering system

 4,500.00  899.00

  • The main objective of this project is to develop a client-server application for the food ordering system inside the hotels using web applications.
  • This application is much useful for waiters and kitchen masters to prepare the food in a scheduled manner.
  • The waiter can easily place the order with simple clicks according to the customer’s wish.
  • All the taken orders will be transferred to the kitchen master with the menu code.
  • This information will be consolidated and Graphs or charts can be generated for reporting purposes.

                    FULLY TESTED

Abstract: Hotel Food Ordering system

The main objective of the Hotel Food Ordering system project is to develop a client-server application for the food ordering system inside the hotels using web applications. This application is much useful for waiters and kitchen masters to prepare the food in a scheduled manner. The manual food ordering system provides inconvenience for the customers, waiters and kitchen master.

The Proposed Hotel Food Ordering system overcomes all the disadvantages of the traditional queuing system. This system increases the efficiency of the food ordering style. Therefore, this system enhances the speed and standardization of taking the order from the customer. It provides a better communication platform. The user’s food details are noted electronically.
The food ordering system set up a menu on the web app device and the waiter. And the waiter can easily place the order with simple clicks according to the customer’s wish. Also with a food menu is available which can easily track the orders, maintain the customer’s database and improve your food delivery service to the table. This system allows the user to select the desired food items from the displayed menu. The payment can be made to pay after the food. The user’s details are maintained confidential because it maintains a separate account for each user. An id and password are provided for each waiter. Therefore it provides a more secure ordering and a particular waiter’s order can be tracked out.

All the taken orders will be transferred to the kitchen master with the menu code. After preparing the food a prepared notification will be sent to the waiter’s device. Now the waiter can take the food item and serve to the corresponding table.

All the information will be computerized. Out of stock or unavailable of food can be updated from the kitchen side. This information will be consolidated and Graphs or charts can be generated for reporting purposes.


Hotel food ordering system, waiter management system, hotel management, Resturant management, online food processing,  easy hotel to kitchen food processing, BCA projects, BSc Projects, MCA Projects, Msc Projects


Visual Studio – 2012, ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Java Script.

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ASP.NET – Front end, C# – Coding Language, DOT NET 2012, SQL Server 2010


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