The main aim of College Assignment Computerization is to send and receive assignments is an easier way. In this project, the major communication is between staff and students. This project can be accessed by all department staff, anywhere at any time. This application will be available as a mobile-based application in the future. All departments can be created in this application as well as student’s details can be created. The created details will be stored in the database for future reference. This application is developed especially for maintaining the assignments and marks of the student. Assignments are more important for the students to increase their percentage. After the submission of the assignment, all the student’s marks will be entered in this web application. This application will find out the late submission.
Students can able to submit their assignments online. All the submitted assignments can be validated online through staff login. Marks too updated online. The most important feature of this project is, staff can able to select the best assignment in the class and they can share the assignment with the entire class. All the data updating can be done through the web by the admin of this project. Reports will be furnished using the data reports.
Keywords: College Assignment Computerization, College application, Web technology, Client-server, Web application, BCA Projects, BSc Projects, MCA projects, MSc Projects, CSE Projects, IT Projects.
Visual Studio – 2012 , ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Java Script.
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