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College Canteen Automation

 4,500.00  999.00

  • The objective of this project is to order food from canteen to class rooms using this web based application.
  • Students accounts creation, monitoring food quality, Student payment details are the main modules.
  • It will simplify the task and reduce all the manual works.
  • Initially students need to create an account in the canteen by paying some minimum amount.
  • All functionalities are made simple and easy to use.

                    FULLY TESTED

The objective and scope of this Project is to record the details various activities of canteen like ordering food from class rooms using web application, students accounts creation, monitoring food quality, Student payment details and etc. It will simplify the task and reduce all the manual works. During implementation every user will be given appropriate web application to suit their specific needs. Specific support will also be provided at key points within this application. No need for any training, for this application. All functionalities are made simple and easy to use. Initially students need to create an account in the canteen by paying some minimum amount. The amount will be taken as their account balance. A user name and password will be provided to the students. Now students can fulfill their food need through the provided android application. While getting login in to the application, the current balance of the student will be shown. Students can order able to order their food through this application. As we will as can able to see the available food menus.


IT company, Software Company, Canteen automation, Easy food ordering, BCA Project, BSc project, MCA projects, MSc Projects, CSE Projects, IT Projects.


Visual Studio – 2012 , ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Java Script.

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ASP.NET – Front end, C# – Coding Language, DOT NET 2012, SQL Server 2010


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