Abstract: Orphanage and Donation Management System
The main objective of the Orphanage and Donation Management System project is to develop a web application for the orphanage to analyze the current requirement and to schedule the donors.
In highly populated countries like India, food, cloth and books wastage is a disturbing issue. The streets, garbage bins, and landfills have ample proof to prove it. Marriages, canteens, restaurants, social and family get-togethers and functions expel out so much food. Food wastage is not only an indication of hunger but also of many economic problems. The high standard of living has resulted in the wastage of food, clothes, etc. Because of quick changes in habits and lifestyle. Instead of wasting these things we can put them in use by donating them to various organizations such as orphanages, old age homes, etc.
The sharp increase in the amount of wastage in terms of food, clothes, books, etc. makes the need for charity in terms of donation. This project presents a new internet-based application that provides a platform for donating old stuff and leftover food to all needy people/organizations. It provides information about the motivation to come up with such an application, thereby describing the existing donation system and how the proposed product works for the betterment of society. The product is shown to be an effective means of donating things to organizations, etc. over the internet. It shows the potential for avoiding the wastage of food, clothes, books and other stuff.
The Orphanage and Donation Management System project aims at satisfying the requirements of needy organizations through donations over the net. The application shall ask the user/donor to register his/her details into the system and then he/she can login and put up items to donate. Similarly, organizations can register in the system and then put up their item requirements. Also, a donor can view the list of items put up by seekers and can donate the same, if possible. In the same way, seekers can view the list of items put up by donors and if required, can claim the donated item by contacting the donor. The application is developed using web core languages. The main objectives of the proposed application include a reduction in wastage of food, making food, making food, clothes, etc and provide proper requirements to the donor for the donation which is available to orphanages, old age homes, and other such organizations, which will also inculcate values of sharing and sensitivity among people.
The orphanage, Donation, poor people, Web application, BSc Projects, BCA Projects, MCA projects, MSc Projects, CSE Projects, IT Projects.
Visual Studio – 2012 , ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server, Java Script.
Visual Studio download Link: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/
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